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Looking for help? Contact the Bruce Oake Recovery Centre.

Crisis Line: 1-888-322-3019

Bruce Oake Recovery Centre

More information about the Bruce Oake Recovery Centre? Visit

Registered Charitable Organization Number: 81742 2033 RR0001

Phone: 431-996-6253 or Toll Free: 1-866-612-6253

Save A Life Campaign - LAD & TAD Campaign

Our “Help Save a Life Campaign” will ensure no one is left behind at Bruce Oake and that all those seeking help can receive it.  Annually we are expecting to raise 1.5 million dollars which will allow us to continue providing grants for both Women’s treatment at alternate facilities and sustain the full complement of residents at the Bruce Oake Recovery Centre.

Not turning anyone away because of inability to pay is one of the cornerstones of our program. Since the first phase of the program runs 16 weeks it will cost approx. 24 thousand dollars per resident. This presents an opportunity to fund treatment for a resident or residents. Also, please note 220 a day is full cost recovery which is remarkably efficient when compared to private for-profit treatment centres that run anywhere from 500 to 1,000 and up per day.

Together we can save lives!

