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Looking for help? Contact the Bruce Oake Recovery Centre.

Crisis Line: 1-888-322-3019

Bruce Oake Recovery Centre

More information about the Bruce Oake Recovery Centre? Visit

Registered Charitable Organization Number: 81742 2033 RR0001

Phone: 431-996-6253 or Toll Free: 1-866-612-6253

In the News

A Sad Time

Scott, Darcy, and Leslie hosted a Celebration of Anne Oake’s Life on Saturday September 11th at The Bruce Oake Recovery Centre (255 Hamilton Avenue via public entrance on the side of the building) with a Reception following at the Canad Inns Polo Park main Ballroom. Thank you to all those who were able to attend.

September 6, 2021

Sadly the Founder, Matriarch, and Mom to all, Anne Oake passed away peacefully with her family by her side. Anne’s laugh, kindness and love will be remembered and cherished always by those who knew her. Scott, Darcy, and Leslie take solace that her vision for the Bruce Oake Recovery Centre became a reality and her passion for saving others was realized.

During this difficult time the family asks for their privacy.

A Devastating Problem

Statistically, 13.5% of individuals in Manitoba have an addiction to alcohol or drugs, higher than the national average of 11%. The likelihood is very high that someone you know or someone in your family is struggling with a current addiction, or living with a history of addiction.

Bruce Oake Recovery Centre - The Journey - August 2021

Bruce Oake Recovery Centre PSA - June 2021

Bruce Oake Recovery Centre Virtual Tour - May 2021

Furniture Assembly Day - A huge thank you to all of our volunteers today - May 2021

Bruce Oake Recovery Centre Construction Update - November 2020

Bruce Oake Recovery Centre Construction Update - September 2020

Bruce Oake Recovery Centre Construction Update - August 2020

Bruce Oake Recovery Centre Construction Update - July 2020

Bruce Oake Recovery Centre Construction Update - June 2020

Bruce Oake Recovery Centre Construction Update - May 2020

Bruce Oake Recovery Centre Construction Update

Bruce Oake Recovery Centre Construction Update

A Canadian Drug Crisis

Substance abuse is on the rise worldwide and Canada is not immune.

  • Alcohol is by far the most common drug used by Canadians.
  • 47,000 Canadian deaths are linked to substance abuse annually.
  • B.C Bud (marijuana) crops generate an estimated $5 to $7 billion dollars annually.
  • CSIS estimates there are roughly 950 organized criminal groups active in Canada and about 80% derive revenues from illegal drug sales.
  • Canada's illegal drug trade hit a 30-year high in 2007.
  • For every $5 spent on drug rehabilitation by the Canadian Government, $95 is spent on on incarceration of drug users.
  • Female addicts are 54% more likely to die prematurely because of their drug use.
  • In a 2008 study, 23% of 14 year olds reported drinking five or more drinks in a two-hour period at least once in the past month.

The Project

For many people with addiction, finding treatment isn’t always an easy task. Waitlists can be detrimental to a person’s recovery. While this alone is intolerable to a compassionate society, addiction carries a staggering cost to society as a whole. The estimated cost of substance abuse in Canada is almost $46 billion annually. When people with addiction receive treatment other sectors of their lives improve, while the productivity of the community increases.

We have created a purpose built non-profit facility like Calgary’s Fresh Start Recovery Centre and utilize their 16-week residential treatment program.  It is a nationally recognized award-winning Canadian program now available to Manitobans. The Bruce Oake Recovery Centre provides these science-based services while decreasing wait times for treatment.

Our 16-week, 50-bed residential treatment program utilizes a combined approach of group treatment and various 1:1 counselling therapies. Each participant receives individualized treatment for whatever stage they are at in their recovery. The centre focuses on measurable outcomes that address all the dimensions of the person, with no financial barriers to entry. Sobriety, mental health, employment, housing, social networks, and self-esteem are all factors in improved functioning and are addressed in our treatment model.

Our state-of-the-art, nonprofit facility is now open and serving Manitobans. The Centre will be able to support the recovery of hundreds of residents annually. If you are interested in supporting the Bruce Oake Recovery Centre, please donate.